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Kinga Skobiej is a PhD at Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, PUT. Ms Skobiej achieved a Master’s degree in Transport in 2019. Her main area of interest includes ecological aspects of combustion powertrains.


  1. Cold start emissions of passenger cars with gasoline and diesel engines in Real Driving Emissions tests / Jacek Pielecha, Jerzy Merkisz, Karolina Kurtyka, Kinga Skobiej  // Combustion Engines - 2019, no. 4(179), s. 160-168

  2. Analysis of particle emissions of passenger cars in RDE tests / Jerzy Merkisz, Łukasz Brzeziński, Agnieszka Magdziak, Kinga Skobiej // E3S Web of Conferences - 2018, vol. 44, s. 00108-1-00108-8

  3. The impact of using an in-cylinder catalyst on the exhaust gas emission in real driving conditions tests of a Diesel engine / Jacek Pielecha, Monika Andrych-Zalewska, Kinga Skobiej  // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2018, vol. 421, s. 042064-1-042064-10

  4. The impact of vehicle dynamic parameters on the exhaust emissions in RDE tests / Jacek Pielecha, Karolina Kurtyka, Kinga Skobiej  // Combustion Engines - 2018, T. 57, no. 4(175), s. 26-34

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